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Bean Seeds - Edamame - BeSweet

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The edamame, also known as soybean, originated in East Asia and is a legume that can be grown in zones three through nine. The beans have a high amount of fiber and protein, with a salty taste, and many people enjoy eating them on their own due to their strong flavor. The plants grow in a tall, bushy manner with many leaves of a dark green color, which can look great as part of your garden.

Growing Edamame Bean Garden Seeds

  • Latin Name: Phaseolus vulgaris
  • Other Names:
  • Days to Maturity: 50-60 days
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-9
  • Planting Depth: 1-2"
  • Plant Spacing: 4-6"
  • Row Spacing: 18-24"
  • Growth Habit: Upright
  • Soil Preference: Consistent moisture, 6-6.8 ph level
  • Temp Preference: Warmer
  • Light Preference: Full sun is required.
  • Pests/diseases: Rabbits, dear (protect with netting)
  • Color: Dark green
  • Flavor: Salty and savory
  • Seeds Per Package:
    • 1 lb - Approximately 1,100 Seeds
    • 5 lb - Approximately 5,500‬ Seeds
    • 25 lb - Approximately 27,500‬ Seeds

After the last frost of the season, sow the seeds one inch deep in a light, well-draining soil of at least sixty degrees. You’ll want to give about twelve inches of space between the plants. While growing, the plant should have two and half inches of water a week. The plants can grow to be up to three feet tall, so they may benefit from having a source of support, such as a pole or trellis. Although edamame beans are practically immune to many small pests, animals such as rabbits and dears like nibbling on them, so it would be a good idea to protect the plants with something like a bird net. You can pick the pods when they are plump and still green in color; waiting until they turn yellow will give them a flavor similar to lima beans.

BeSweet Edamame will produce 2-inch pods with 3 beans per pod. Plant two weeks after the last frost of spring. This plant loves sun; place in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Sow seeds every two weeks for consistent harvesting. After 10 days, the plants should poke through the soil. Edamame has been a popular dish in Chinese cuisine since ancient times, but now the whole world has caught on to the delicious flavor of a hot bowl of steamed and salted edamame. Keep soil only moist but not soaked during the germinating period. Multiple plantings will allow harvest over extended season. All pods on the plants are usually harvested at the same time. Very healthy and nutritious, this Asian favorite is a good source of high quality protein. Pick the pods when they are plump while it is still adorning a vibrant green hue. If you desire to harvest seeds dry, wait about another month; the leaves should gone. Pull out the entire plant and hang to dry until the pods fall of when the plant is shaken. Edamame is also a popular addition to salads and soups. As a snack the pods are simmered in salted water until tender and the beans popped out of the pod to be eaten. Can also be shelled and added to stir-fries, or cooked with meats or other vegetables. Approx. 80 seeds/oz.